Protect Our Pets Illinois supports stronger animal welfare standards to ensure all animals receive the care they deserve regardless of the source. Our goal is to educate the public on animal welfare laws, standards of care, consumer protection — as well as to conserve the right for families to choose where they get their next companion.

Take Action
Are you ready to make an impact? Take a stand against neglect and animal cruelty to help us improve animal welfare laws in Illinois by sending a message to state lawmakers. Our pets are counting on us, so act today to help ensure the state of Illinois becomes a leader in animal welfare. Together we can make a difference.

Our Commitment
Animals are an important part of our lives and a big responsibility, and Protect Our Pets Illinois is dedicated to preserving families’ decisions to obtain pets from a trusted source of their choosing, whether from a reputable small business, from a shelter or a licensed breeder. We advocate for state and local laws that improve the quality of life for dogs, we foster the continued development of responsible, committed breeders who love animals, and we provide educational resources to families so they can find their next family member.